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Product Introduction:

UsesGraphite has been used alone to make refractory products for the lower blast furnace linings, and electrodes for steel and aluminum production. They are also commonly used in conjunction with other refractory raw materials. These materials are highly refractory nonwettable materials and are useful refractories in nonoxidizing environments. Carbon blacks are co

Uses Similar to those of natural graphite in refractories and electrical products

Uses For "lead" pencils, refractory crucibles, stove polish; as pigment, lubricant, graphite cement; for matches and explosives, commutator brushes, anodes, arc-lamp carbons, electroplating; polishing Compounds, rust and needle-paper; coating for cathode ray tubes; moderator in nuclear piles.

Uses High-temperature lubricant, crucible container for handling molten metals such as Mg, Al, Zn, Ga, Sb, and Bi

Chemical Propertiessoft dark grey solid

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