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Product Introduction:

Description A peptide is two or more amino acids joined together and is the building block of protein. Peptides fall into three main categories: signal peptides, carrier peptides, and those that inhibit nerve signals. Signal peptides, like palmitoyl tripeptide-1, act as messengers to cells, which trigger collagen synthesis, which then increases skin firmness.Palmitoyl tripeptide-1 is a small three amino acid signal peptide with the amino sequence of glycine-histidine-lysine (GHK). GHK is attached to palmitic acid (a fatty acid) to increase its skin penetration and oil solubility.

Uses Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1, has shown to have effects on on collagen, fibronectin, hyaluronic acid synthesis in human dermal fibroblasts, and thus can be used in preparation of antiaging cosmetic creams.

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