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Product Introduction:

Description  Epitalon (also known as Epithalon or Epithalone) is the synthetic version of the polypeptide Epithalamin which is naturally produced in the pineal gland. It was synthesized by Vladimir Khavinson, a Russian professor and gerontologist, whose research focused on the development of peptide preparations used to restore function in various organs in order to prevent and reverse the aging process. He is currently the Director of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology.Epitalon is considered the "fountain of youth" peptide. It is a tetra-peptide, which means that it is composed of four amino acid chains. The peptide is used to regulate the cell cycle during telomerase activity. Telomerase, also called telomere terminal transferase, is an enzyme made of protein and RNA subunits that elongates chromosomes. When telomerase activity is not present (when we age), our cells age. Our telomeres get shorter and begin to die off. If telomerase is activated in our cells, our telomeres lengthen, the cell continues to grow and divide, delaying the aging process. (UT Southwestern Medical Lab)

Uses   Epitalon is a synthetic peptide made of four amino acids (alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and glycine), that is based on a natural peptide called epithalamin extracted from the pineal gland. It was synthesized by Vladimir Khavinson, a Russian professor and gerontologist, whose research focused on the development of peptide preparations used to restore function in various organs in order to prevent and reverse the aging process. He is currently the Director of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology.

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