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Product Introduction:

Product Categories: Simple Indoles;Indole;Chiral Compound;Aromatics;Indole Derivatives;Pyrroles; Indoles;blocks;IndolesOxindoles;Indoles and derivatives;Aromatics Compounds;Indoles;Building Blocks;Heterocyclic Building Blocks;Heterocycle-Indole series;Pyrroles; Indoles;Indoline; Oxindole;Indole Series;bc0001

Chemical Properties Off-White Crystalline Solid with Few Darker (Brown) Particles

Uses Indole derivative as substrate-binding; N297Q and I300V mutants of cytochrome P 450 2A6 display expansion of substrate specificity of cytochrome P 450 2A6 to oxidize substituted indoles

Uses 4-Benzyloxyindole was used in the synthesis of 4-alkyloxy-aminoalkyl indole derivatives.

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027-85558552 8613437180835