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Product Introduction:

Chemical Properties Artesunate is an odorless bitter-tasting crystalline powder. soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, DMSO, and dimethyl formamide, which should be purged with an inert gas. The solubility of artesunate in these solvents is approximately 20, 14, and 11 mg/ml, respectively. Artesunate is sparingly soluble in aqueous buffers.

Uses Artesunate is a kind of anti-malarial drug that has a relative strong killing effect on the asexual body of plasmodium falciparum and can result in rapid control of malaria episodes.

Artesunate is dispensed as a powder of artesunic acid. This is dissolved in sodium bicarbonate (5%) to form sodium artesunate. The solution is then diluted in approximately 5 ml of 5% dextrose and given by intravenous injection or by intramuscular injection to the anterior thigh. The solution should be prepared freshly for each administration and should not be stored.

Uses Artesunate, a semi-synthetic artemisinin derivative, has been shown to be effective against parasites, such as liver flukes, and has also shown cytotoxic effects on different types of tumor cell lines. artesunate belong to Antimalarial which is clinically useful for treatment of malaria and other parasitic diseases."

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