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Product Introduction:

Uses Next to water, propylene glycol is the most common moisturecarrying vehicle used in cosmetic formulations. It has better skin permeation than glycerin, and it also gives a pleasant feel with less greasiness than glycerin. Propylene glycol is used as a humectant because it absorbs water from the air. It also serves as a solvent for anti-oxidants and preservatives. In addition, it has preservative properties against bacteria and fungi when used in concentrations of 16 percent or higher. There is a concern that propylene glycol is an irritant at high concentrations, though it appears to be quite safe at usage levels under 5 percent.

Uses Propylene Glycol is a humectant and flavor solvent that is a polyhy- dric alcohol (polyol). it is a clear, viscous liquid with complete solu- bility in water at 20°c and good oil solvency. it functions as a humectant, as do glycerol and sorbitol, in maintaining the desired moisture content and texture in foods such as shredded coconut and icings. it functions as a solvent for flavors and colors that are insoluble in water. it is also used in beverages and candy.

Uses Used as a solvent.

Chemical Properties Propylene glycol is a colorless, odorless, syrupy liquid."

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