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Product Introduction:

Uses Cocoyl Glutamic Acid, also known as Cocamide or coconut fatty acid amide is a surfactant that can be used in industry for different purposes. As it is amphoteric, the molecule has both positive and negative charges on its ends making it suitable to clean surfaces from oil-based deposits such as grease while removing water-soluble contaminants at the same time. The product can thus perform tasks of degreasing, emulsifying, and defatting with either acidic or alkaline mediums depending on whether there are more hydrophobic residues present.

Personal Care: Cocoyl Glutamic Acid is used in various consumer products such as personal care and cleaning product. It can be formulated into a wide range of cosmetic and household chemical formulations, including face cleansers; shampoo/conditioner; shaving cream; mouthwash; dishwashing liquid/detergent; bar soap & body wash."

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027-85558552 8613437180835