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Product Introduction:

Description DBU is a bicyclic amidine base. It is non-nucleophilic, sterically hindered, tertiary amine base in organic chemistry. It is reported to be superior to amine catalyst in Baylis-Hillman reaction.It promotes the methylation reaction of phenols, indoles and benzimidazoles with dimethyl carbonate under mild conditions.

Uses DBU may be used:

as catalyst for carboxylic acid esterification with dimethyl carbonate

in the synthesis of duocarmycin and CC-1065 analogs

as catalyst in aza-Michael addition and Knovenegal condensation reaction

as base for dehalogenation of halogenated Diels-Alder adducts and the resulting activated 2,4-dienones were subjected to regio- and stereo-directed Michael additions, using Yamamoto′s reagent (CH3Cu · BF3)

in a new synthesis of the ABCD ring system of Camptothecin

DBU may be used as an catalyst for the dissolution and activation of cellulose by a reversible reaction of its hydroxyl groups with carbon dioxide. This dissolved cellulose system can be derivatized to form cellulose mixed esters.

Used in a new synthesis of the ABCD ring system of Camptothecin.

Uses DBU is used in organic synthesis as a catalyst, a complexing ligand, and a non-nucleophilic base. It is used as a protecting agent for the synthesis of cephalosporin and as a catalyst for polyurethane.

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